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All Book Reviews

All the book reviews in one place.

I give honest reviews here on finance books which have helped me on my journey of Financial Independence, offered some amazing side hustle ideas, showed me how to invest, and ultimately got me closer to Financial Independence Retire Early.

I hope they can help you as well.

The Four Pillars of Investing

The Four Pillars of Investing Book Review

Rich Dad Poor Dad

Rich Dad Poor Dad Book Review

The Simple Path to Wealth

The Simple Path to Wealth Book Review

I Will Teach You To Be Rich

I Will Teach You To Be Rich Book Review

Walking the Amazon - Ed Stafford

Walking the Amazon Ed Stafford book review

Not A Life Coach - James Smith

Not A Life Coach James Smith Book Review

Walking Home From Mongolia

Walking Home From Mongolia Rob Lilwall Book Review

When to Jump - Mike Lewis

When to Jump Mike Lewis Book Review

Moods of Future Joy - 
Alastair Humphrey

Moods of future joy book review

Just a Little Run Around the World - Rosie Swale Pope

Just a little run around the world rosie swale pope book review

Happiest Man in the World - 
Eddie Jaku

The happiest man on earth book review

10 Lessons From The Road - Alastair Humphrey

10 lessons from the road book review

One Man on his Bike - 
Mike Carter 

One man on his bike book review

Your Money or your Life -
Vicki Robin

Your Money or your life book review

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David Sawyer

Reset David Sawyer Book Review
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