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Make The Effort for FREE Money

The FIRE Adventurer

Updated: Jul 11, 2022

If you are on this website, you are more than likely looking at ways to improve your financial position. Whatever this may be for and whatever your ultimate goal is, you are reading my blog and are on this website because you want to be more financially secure.

Taking advantage of free cash offers when they come up is one way to do it.

3 weeks ago I was watching a video of Damien Talks Money where he was discussing the collapse of Block Fi - a crypto currency investing platform so to speak.

You will learn my stance and thoughts on Crypto shortly with a new blog post but whilst I was there I noticed his referral link to Invest Engine.

I was already aware of Invest Engine prior to this but I have never acted on making use of their generous referral scheme for two reasons ultimately.

Firstly I couldn't be bothered to do the work. I already had my accounts and platforms set up and didn't want to make the effort. Secondly because I thought what was the point for a measly £25.

Both of these reasons are moronic - if I do say so myself.

Around 6 weeks prior I had taken advantage of the Chase £20 referral scheme where by simply opening up an account and depositing £20, I was then eligible for a £20 bonus. I got the money and promptly withdrew £40. I had just made £20 for around 10 minutes work. Amazing.

I want to get more money so I can booster up my Emergency Fund, and eventually invest more. Here is someone literally giving me FREE money. Why was I moaning about this?

With the current Invest Engine offer you need to deposit £100. You will then get £25 bonus into you account immediately. I will also get £25 if you use the links in this article - so thank you if you do.

Invest Engine are a low cost platform which offer an insane amount of ETF's for purchase.

For my portfolio I invested in the Vanguard FTSE Developed Worlds .

I made this choice as I wanted a diverse world tracker, and with the charges at 0.12% that is insanely cheap.

I've decided over the next few weeks to make an effort here with other trading platform offers. It's a hassle for sure setting them up, but all you are doing is exchanging some of your time for money. For me this rate is at a much higher rate than my hourly work rate - so I am very happy.

So let's summarise this up.

1/ Click on this link

2/ Deposit £100 into any ETF you want to invest in.

3/ Get £25 bonus immediately.

4/ Let the money grow for 12 months and then withdraw all or part of your money back to your current account.

If you do decide to use these links thank you very much, that is really amazing and I am so grateful.

Remember to withdraw that cash you invested if this doesn't align with your budget. Don't put yourself into overdraft or borrow money for this - that is super dumb!

Any questions on it comment or message me and I will do my best to help.


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Finance Independence Retire Early Blog

About Me

I am a mid 30's British guy who is married and we have two young children. I was first introduced to the world of Financial Independence Retire Early in April 2021 and it blew me away. It was a seismic shift in how I wanted to live, and where I wanted to aim for. 

But a lot of the advice given didn't juggle the FIRE lifestyle with expensive adventurous hobbies and having a family. So I am documenting my way so others can share my experience, learn some things, and pass on their knowledge also. 

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